Every Pupil is entitled to:
- Be welcomed as a member of the school community
- Be able to learn in an orderly and clean physical environment
- Feel safe and secure in school from insults, intimidation, violence, threats and danger of any kind
- Be encouraged to develop and reach his/her full potential, both inside and outside the classroom
- Be treated with consideration, courtesy and respect
The Parent(s)/Carer(s):
Parent/Carer: I/We will:
- Make the school aware if there are any issues that might affect my child’s well-being or work
- Ensure that my child comes to school regularly and arrives on time
- Have regard for the school’s attendance target of 100%, holidays must not be taken in term time
- Provide school with at least 2 working contact numbers and inform school of any change of address/telephone number immediately
- Ensure that my child follows the standards and expectations set by the school
- Make my child aware of and support the zero tolerance on electronic devices
- Ensure that my child wears the correct school uniform and follows the Appearance Code
- Support school policies and guidelines for behaviour. (See website:) lordderbyacademy.co.uk
- Monitor my child’s homework, coursework and other independent learning, signing the planner each week and encouraging the meeting of deadlines
- Attend Parents’ Evening and other discussions about my child’s progress. If unable to attend, rearrange at a mutually convenient time
- Model high standards of behaviours at all times
- Always seek to resolve any issues directly with the school through our staged approach
- Not make derogatory comments on social media about pupils or school staff or the school
- Encourage my child to participate in enrichment activities and to attend additional GCSE sessions
The Pupil: I will:
- Adhere to the school’s standards and expectations
- Abide by the Lord Derby Academy Behaviour and Appearance Code
- Wear full school uniform correctly and look neat and tidy as per the Behaviour and Appearance Code
- Abide by the school’s Acceptable Use Policy and not refer to the school or school staff on social media
- Be polite and respectful to everyone in school and in the local community
- Take care of the school site, keeping it free of graffiti, litter and damage
- Attend school regularly, arriving on time
- Arrive at lessons fully equipped and willing to learn
- Complete homework and coursework to the best of my ability in all subjects
- Respect homework and coursework deadlines in all subjects
- Leave valuable items at home
- Not misuse social media whereby it can affect others negatively
- Participate in enrichment activities
- Attend additional GCSE sessions
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