Regular school attendance is essential for all of our pupils to make good progress, achieve their academic potential and consequently have better chances in life.
Every pupil at Lord Derby Academy, in line with the Governments expectations, is expected to maintain an attendance level of 97% and above. It is the responsibility of everyone in our school community – parents, carers, pupils, staff and governors to ensure they achieve this, therefore we monitor and review the attendance of all pupils constantly.
Each year there are 190 school days which leaves 175 days for holidays, shopping, birthday treats and non urgent medical and dental appointments. Therefore, the school will not authorise absence for these reasons.
If your son or daughter attends for at least 97% of one school year they will have had less than 10 days absent.
Below is a chart showing a comparison of attendance for a full academic year and what impact it has on your attendance and academic achievement.
Attendance % | Days Absent from School | Weeks Absent From School | Learning Missed | Hours of Learning Missed | Over 5 Years |
99.50% | 1 day | - | 6 lessons | 5 hours | 1 week |
99% | 2 days | - | 12 lessons | 10 hours | 2 weeks |
98.50% | 3 days | - | 18 lessons | 15 hours | 3 weeks |
98% | 4 days | - | 24 lesson | 20 hours | 1 month |
97.50% | 5 days | 1 week | 30 lessons | 25 hours | 1 1/4 months |
95% | 10 days | 2 weeks | 60 lessons | 50 hours | 2 1/2 months |
92.50% | 15 days | 3 weeks | 90 lessons | 75 hours | 3 3/4 months |
90% | 20 days | 4 weeks | 120 lessons | 100 hours | 5 months (nearly 1/2 school year) |
87.50% | 25 days | 5 weeks | 150 lessons | 125 hours | 6 1/4 months (1/2 school year) |
85% | 30 days | 6 weeks | 180 lessons | 150 hours | 7 1/2 months (over 1/2 school year) |
82.50% | 35 days | 7 weeks | 210 lessons | 175 hours | 8 3/4 months (almost an academic year) |
80% | 40 days | 8 weeks | 240 lessons | 200 hours | 10 months (full school year!) |
We appreciate that children are unwell from time to time and that there can be exceptional circumstances for absences, but we ask that you think carefully about keeping your child out of school. There is a strong connection between good attendance and achievement at school. Absence is proven to have a significant negative impact upon a child’s educational attainment.
In addition, regular school attendance keeps children safe. Evidence shows that pupils who truant are more likely to be involved in crime and anti social activity. Any pupil that is caught truanting will attend Saturday school (9.30am-12.30pm). Pupils are expected to attend in full school uniform with their bag and full equipment.
Pupils need to be in school no later than 8.38am.
Pupils who are late to school will complete a 20 minute detention after school. Failure to attend a detention will result in an extended after school detention with the Head of Year.
Please read the attached parent leaflet for more information (click here)
On the rare occasion your child needs to be off school due to illness or any other appropriate reason it is the parent/carers responsibility to contact the Attendance Team on 0151 477 8860, before 8.38am, to disclose the reason for absence. You must contact the Attendance Team every day that your child is absent from school. Medical evidence may be requested to secure an authorised absence.
All appointments should be made out of school hours, however, in extreme circumstances a pupil may need to attend an appointment during the school day. Parents/carers must contact school in advance with details and provide evidence of the appointment. Parents/carers must also provide their child with a note in their school planner stating that they have an appointment and the time they will be collected from school. Pupils must be collected from school by a parent or carer, due to safeguarding procedures pupils will not be allowed to leave the school site unsupervised.
Holidays are not authorised by the school unless it is classed as exceptional circumstances.
If exceptional circumstances apply to you please fill in the leave of Absence Form below and return to Miss Pope at school.
Pupils at school receive Bronze, Silver and Gold pin badges for 100% attendance throughout the academic year. Gold badges will be presented at our annual Celebration of Achievement Evening.
Pupils can also receive praise postcards, vouchers, House points and pupil prizes. Certificates from Heads of Year are also awarded in end of term assemblies for 100% or significantly improved attendance. Pupils are also invited to reward events throughout the year.