Praise, encouragement and rewards are effective behaviour management techniques and are intrinsic to what we do at Lord Derby Academy.
At Lord Derby Academy we reward our pupils in many ways. Please click on the images below for examples of how we do this:
At Lord Derby Academy our House System is key to celebrating the success of pupils.
The house systems aims is to:
Pupils at school receive Bronze, Silver and Gold pin badges for 100% attendance through the academic year. Gold badges will be presented at our annual Celebration of Achievement Evening. Pupils can also receive praise postcards, vouchers, additional merits and pupil bonuses. Certificates from Heads of Year are also awarded in end of term assemblies for 100% or significantly improved attendance.
Reward trips and events take place at the end of term. Pupils must demonstrate good behaviour, excellent punctuality and at least 95% attendance (which is in line with national average) to be eligible.
Every year Lord Derby Academy hosts a whole school enrichment day. During this day pupils experience many exciting activities including cultural visits and bespoke events.