Believe Achieve Succeed

We have a traditional approach to education and an ethos of high aspiration, providing a progressive learning environment in the heart of a caring community.

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Victoria Gowan, Headteacher


My name is Victoria Gowan. I am very privileged to be the Headteacher of Lord Derby Academy. Lord Derby Academy is part of the Multi-Academy Dean Trust. All schools across the Dean Trust embrace the Trust motto ‘Believe, Achieve, Succeed’. Lord Derby Academy caters to approximately 1100 pupils, aged 11-16.

At Lord Derby Academy we uphold the highest of standards. Our ethos is built on care and aspiration for our whole school community. We are fully inclusive in our outlook and we have robust pastoral systems in place. We strive to develop the character of our pupils and so we offer a wide range of enrichment opportunities, both inside and outside the classroom. Our House System and our Pupil Parliament are developing pupil leadership at all levels. We encourage our pupils to become responsible citizens, ready for life in the wider society. Our traditional curriculum has been carefully designed to match the abilities, interests and aspirations of pupils and to meet with the requirements of further education providers and employers. We operate a three- year Key Stage 3 and a two- year Key Stage 4. Pupils enjoy a wide range of subjects across both Key Stages and the majority of our pupils access the full suite of English Baccalaureate subjects at Key Stage Four. Pupils across the Dean Trust follow common learning pathways. Teaching practice at the school is founded on the pedagogical principles of Dr. Doug Lemov. At Lord Derby Academy we are unwavering in our belief in every pupil and we work tirelessly to ensure each individual child receives a quality educational experience and is set on a personal pathway to success.


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Diary Dates

Forthcoming diary and school dates for parents, pupils and visitors to our schools.

The Dean Trust Prospectus

An introduction to the subjects your child will be studying during their time with us.

What is The Dean Trust?

The Dean Trust is developing a family of schools and academies, with a collaborative learning culture, that provides the very best for our children.

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"Pupils’ behaviour is consistently good around school and in lessons"

Ofsted, 2019

Dates for your Diary

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