Year 10 Remote Learning

Home / KS4 Remote Learning / Year 10 Remote Learning
6th January 2021.

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope you and your families are safe and well.

As you will be aware, sadly, the school building itself is now closed to the majority of pupils during this period of national lockdown.

As a result of this situation, I would like to share with you our arrangements for pupils’ remote learning for the coming weeks.

In order to support pupils working from home and to allow pupils to have access to a wide range of learning opportunities, all pupils should follow their usual timetable. The school timetable runs from 9.00 am to 3.00pm and includes six 50-minute lessons provided by subject specialists and shared via Google Classroom. During the lesson time, class teachers will be available to respond to any questions or queries in subject classrooms.

  • Pupils should be logged in and ready to begin learning by 9.00am each weekday morning
  • Pupils should follow their usual timetable and ‘attend’ lessons by joining the appropriate Google Classroom area for that subject
  • Registers will be taken by staff at the beginning of each lesson. Pupils must alert their teacher that they are present and ready to learn
  • If a pupil is unwell and therefore not able to access online learning parents/carers should advise school by calling reception on 0151 477 8860 or contacting the school by email
  • At the end of each lesson pupils should submit the work they have produced and join the next classroom
  • Breaktime and lunchtime timings will run as usual to ensure both pupils and staff have a break from their screens and food and possibly fresh air – therefore Lesson 3 will begin at 11.00am and Lesson 5 will begin at 1.20pm
  • All pupils are reminded to adhere to IT Acceptable Use guidance and ensure they use language/ communication suitable for a classroom environment at all times while accessing the Google Classroom. Senior Leaders will monitor work-rate and all communication.
  • No work should be submitted or communication with staff or other pupils entered into except during usual school opening times (8.40-3.00) or, if working beyond the school day, no later than 7pm
  • Please note that while staff will be online to respond to questions and queries during lessons, any questions raised outside of this time may not be addressed until the following working day or the next scheduled lesson with the class
  • Please be aware that, in order to support colleagues who may be unwell during this time, some lessons will be supported by other staff or pupils may be asked to join other online classrooms to access appropriate learning
  • In order to support a varied and balanced curriculum offer, the pupils have access to a range of online learning platforms such as Bedrock, Mathswatch and Tassomai. These platforms are a useful way of providing interactive learning opportunities for pupils and will be used as part of our remote learning offer. Passwords have been distributed to pupils but can be requested via the school office.
  • Just a reminder that there is an LDA remote learning guide on the school website and on the LDA Twitter account @DT__LDA

Please ensure that your son or daughter has their LDA login and password and access to an electronic device (not a phone) to access the learning.

Please contact school either via email: or by phone on 0151 477 8860 if you need any further support.

I would like to thank you all for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Mrs C Phillips

Assistant Headteacher Teaching and Learning/Remote Learning

Please click here to access Google Classroom.

Please click here to access ClassCharts.

Please click here to access MathsWatch.

Please click here to access Bedrock.

Please contact the school office if your child cannot access their remote learning:

Telephone: 0151 477 8860

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